Public Knowledge Launches Copyright Educational Video Based on Frozen’s “Let it Go”
Public Knowledge Launches Copyright Educational Video Based on Frozen’s “Let it Go”
Public Knowledge Launches Copyright Educational Video Based on Frozen’s “Let it Go”

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    Today, Public Knowledge proudly released its new copyright educational video entitled, “Let Them Go.” The video is a parody of the well-known Disney song “Let It Go,” with revised lyrics that educate viewers on important topics in copyright, namely copyright term extension, intermediary liability, and fair use. Clips throughout the video also illustrate numerous fair uses and other adaptations of “Let It Go.”

    “Let Them Go” was performed by Courtney Duffy, the Robert W. Deutsch Arts and Technology Policy Fellow at Public Knowledge and Fractured Atlas. The lyrics and video were composed by Charles Duan, who is senior staff counsel at Public Knowledge.

    The following may be attributed to Charles Duan:

    “This Fair Use Week, we at Public Knowledge want to showcase the wide range of creative fair uses that all sorts of people share with the world, and what better way to do that than through a song that has been the springboard for so many of those fan-created fair uses?

    “We hope that viewers of our video can learn a little about important topics in copyright policy today, and also enjoy some of the best and most creative works created by individuals — works made possible both by new technology and by the basic rules of copyright law that favor transformative works and commentary.”

    Please visit for more information on fair use. You may view this video here.