Public Knowledge Pleased With House Panel Spectrum Action
Public Knowledge Pleased With House Panel Spectrum Action
Public Knowledge Pleased With House Panel Spectrum Action

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    The following statement is attributed to Harold Feld, legal director of Public Knowledge:

    “The House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet today took two very significant actions to make new wireless capacity available for consumer need. At a time when mobile access to the Internet is exploding, these are important pro-active steps to averting a future crisis. The Subcommittee approved two bills that will help to bring some order to determining how wireless services will be provided.

    “One bill, HR 3125, requires the government to find out which bands of spectrum are being used, for what purposes, and by federal agencies and private sector companies. This is an essential first step to going forward on a rational policy of improving wireless access for future needs. The other bill, HR 3106, would end the unfortunate situation of having spectrum auctioned in 2006 still in the hands of the government, and not transferred to the private sector.

    “We commend Subcommittee Chairman Rick Boucher and the sponsors of these excellent pieces of legislation, and expect them to receive quick approval the full Committee and the entire House.”