Public Knowledge Praises Expected FCC Action On Bill Shock
Public Knowledge Praises Expected FCC Action On Bill Shock
Public Knowledge Praises Expected FCC Action On Bill Shock

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    The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

    “We very much appreciate the action the FCC is expected to take tomorrow to protect consumers with wireless devices.  Telling consumers promptly and in an understandable fashion when they are about to incur higher-than-normal charges is a modest requirement that will reap enormous benefits in customer goodwill.

     “At the same time, we continue to urge the Commission to act on another item that would benefit wireless consumers – the petition we filed three years ago to provide legal protections for the content of text messages and for short codes. 

    “As with the problem of informing consumers of unusual charges on their bills, the protection of texting is too important to be left to the whim of the wireless industry.  We are pleased the FCC will act on the first; we eagerly await action on the second.”