Public Knowledge Praises Genachowski For Net Neutrality Proposals
Public Knowledge Praises Genachowski For Net Neutrality Proposals
Public Knowledge Praises Genachowski For Net Neutrality Proposals

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    The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

    “FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski struck exactly the right balance this morning when he announced a plan to require a free and open Internet. Bringing in the four existing principles, while adding the two new ones of non-discrimination and transparency to both wireline and wireless Internet access, will ensure that the genius of the Internet will continue into the future. This was a key point of President Obama’s campaign platform, and we are pleased to see it put into motion today.

    “Consumers and communications companies will benefit from this policy proposal. Returning the Internet to its open, non-discriminatory character under the law opens up once again the greatest engine for economic growth, democracy and expression that we have ever seen. 

    “The chairman’s proposals for additional transparency in how companies manage their traffic, coupled with new rules prohibiting big telephone and cable companies from discriminating against some services in favor of others will go a long way to freeing investment not only in the network but also in new services and features.

    “If you favor economic growth and an open, vibrant Internet, there is no reason to oppose this idea. This is not heavy-handed government regulation. As the chairman said, his proposal is just the opposite. It lifts the heavy hands of private-sector regulation in favor of openness and freedom.”

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