For Immediate Release
Contact: Art Brodsky, 301-908-7715
The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president of Public Knowledge:
“Senators Dorgan and Snowe should be commended for starting out the Congressional debate to make certain a free and open Internet will continue to exist. The terms of the AT&T takeover of BellSouth make clear that the industry, despite its protestations to the contrary, now accepts the idea that non-discrimination is a vital principle in providing essential Internet services. We look forward to the Congressional debate on the issue.
“As the merger showed, Net Neutrality is a simple and easy to understand idea that will preserve openness without overly intrusive government intervention.“By the same token, the announced legislation from Senator Sununu, to ban tech mandates, will accomplish the same goal of opening markets. Tech mandates, such as the broadcast flag, implemented at the request of content industries, only serve to limit consumer choice and innovation and to close markets.
Each of these legislative initiatives in their own way will preserve openness and choice for consumers and innovators. Their sponsors are to be commended.”