Public Knowledge Praises New York Attorney General for Holding Charter to Account
Public Knowledge Praises New York Attorney General for Holding Charter to Account
Public Knowledge Praises New York Attorney General for Holding Charter to Account

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    Today, New York Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood has announced a settlement with Charter, ending a lawsuit New York had filed concerning Charter's practice of deceiving customers as to their broadband speeds. Charter has agreed to refund misled customers, and to reform its behavior in the future. Public Knowledge had filed an amicus brief in this case. 

    The following can be attributed to John Bergmayer, Senior Counsel at Public Knowledge: 

    “States play an essential role in protecting consumers from fraud and deception, especially in areas where the federal government cannot or will not fulfill that role. Here, New York has stepped up to ensure that broadband consumers actually get the speeds they pay for, and to make whole consumers who were deceived in the past. Other states, and other broadband providers should take note.”

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