Public Knowledge Praises Snowe-Kerry Spectrum Bill
Public Knowledge Praises Snowe-Kerry Spectrum Bill
Public Knowledge Praises Snowe-Kerry Spectrum Bill

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    Earlier today, Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Senate Communications Subcommittee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) introduced the Spectrum Measurement and Policy Reform Act.  You can read the bill text here.

    The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

    “We congratulate Senator Snowe and Chairman Kerry on introducing a much-needed piece of legislation which recognizes the vital role of wireless technologies in our national economy.

    “The bill would help the government figure out what spectrum is being used by whom, require more flexible use of spectrum through sharing and reuse and give the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) much-needed authority to free up private and public sector spectrum by sharing auction proceeds with the current holders of spectrum.

    “We hope the Senate Commerce Committee will quickly begin its consideration of this vital bill.  Public Knowledge looks forward to working with the Senate as the bill moves forward.”