Public Knowledge Questions FCC’s 911 Policy
Public Knowledge Questions FCC’s 911 Policy
Public Knowledge Questions FCC’s 911 Policy

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    The following statement is attributed to Harold Feld, legal director for Public Knowledge:

    “In addition to the main event at the Federal Communications Commission today, the Commission approved a Notice of Inquiry to start examining the transition between today’s 911 service and a broadband-based 911 system.

    “One of the major issues in this proceeding is what authority the Commission has to proceed to a rulemaking.  As we know, and have discussed in the Net Neutrality and Open Internet dockets, the Commission’s authority in broadband matters has been suspect since the April 6 decision at the U.S. Appeals Court overturned the Commission’s actions in the Comcast case.

    “The questions raised about legal authority and the need to classify broadband under Title II do not disappear with the FCC action on the Net Neutrality rules.  A national broadband-based 911 system should not rest on untested legal theories or be constrained by the fear that carriers will challenge rules in court.”