Public Knowledge Reacts to Senate Passage of Copyright Legislation
Public Knowledge Reacts to Senate Passage of Copyright Legislation
Public Knowledge Reacts to Senate Passage of Copyright Legislation

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    For Immediate Release

    Background: The Senate late in its weekend session passed by unanimous consent S 3021, a shorter version of the omnibus copyright legislation (HR 2391) that had been introduced earlier in the session.

    Statement of Gigi B. Sohn, president of Public Knowledge:

    Consumers won a major victory when the Senate passed legislation removing the most egregious elements of the omnibus copyright bill that had previously been under consideration. We strongly support the version of the Family Movie Act, included in the bill, which gives families more control over how they watch movies and television, preserving the right to skip over commercials. The bill will benefit consumers, both in their entertainment choices now, and from the innovation in technology that will result in coming years.

    We are also pleased that HR 4077 was dropped from the bill that passed. That legislation would have lowered the standard for copyright infringement. The Senate also wisely removed the PIRATE Act, which would have made the government the entertainment industry's private law firm at taxpayer expense.

    The Senate should also be commended for including in the bill legislation helping to preserve orphan works and reauthorizing the National Film Preservation Board. These features of the bill are important steps in preserving our nation's culture. We look forward to working with Congress in coming sessions to make further progress in advancing consumer interests and preserving copyright balance.

    A copy of the bill is available at:

    Public Knowledge is a public-interest advocacy and education organization that seeks to promote a balanced approach to intellectual property law and technology policy that reflects the “cultural bargain” intended by the framers of the constitution. More information available at:

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