Public Knowledge Responds to Reports on FCC Net Neutrality Rules
Public Knowledge Responds to Reports on FCC Net Neutrality Rules
Public Knowledge Responds to Reports on FCC Net Neutrality Rules

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    Last night, reports surfaced that the FCC is considering a “hybrid” approach to net neutrality that would allow for paid prioritization in some circumstances. Although Public Knowledge commends the FCC for taking a step in the right direction, the FCC must address paid prioritization and other concerns.

    The following can be attributed to Gene Kimmelman, President of Public Knowledge:

    “We're very pleased to see that the FCC Chairman is moving towards a Title II framework for creating rules to protect an open internet. Although there are many details that do not appear to have been worked out, we are confident that the proposal they're considering could use Title II and other regulatory tools in a manner that effectively addresses the most important issues in the debate.

    “However, policy is not made through leaked articles. Reports of allowing inappropriate paid deals between ISPs and edge providers is worrisome. As the FCC clarifies how their Title II framework works, it is critical that the Chairman explains how it will protect the core tenets of an open internet that consumers expect and businesses require. This includes, but is not limited to, explaining what sort of prioritization is allowed and if allowed, why that level of prioritization is not harmful.”