Public Knowledge Sees Consumer Harm in Ninth Circuit Copyright Ruling
Public Knowledge Sees Consumer Harm in Ninth Circuit Copyright Ruling
Public Knowledge Sees Consumer Harm in Ninth Circuit Copyright Ruling

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    The U.S. Appeals Court for the Ninth Circuit today issued a ruling that could restrict the resale of computer software.  The ruling is here.

    The following comment is attributed to Sherwin Siy, deputy legal director of Public Knowledge:

    “This ruling will have far-reaching consequences for consumers.  It could conceivably shut down the market for used software and computer games.

    “The court has blessed a system in which a publisher can use fine print to circumvent the traditional rules of first sale, maintaining control of distribution throughout the entire lifetime of the copy.

    “Nothing good can come of a system like this.  We look forward to this case being further appealed and to having this decision reversed.”