The following is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and CEO of Public Knowledge:
“The reports that Comcast is offering a video product through the Xbox 360 without the data counting toward the customer’s data cap raises questions not only of the justification for the caps but, more importantly, of the survival of an Open Internet.
“This type of arrangement is exactly the type of situation the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) rules on the Open Internet were designed to prevent — that an Internet Service Provider juggles the rules to give itself an advantage over a competitor.
“The Xbox 360 provides a number of video services to compete for customer dollars, yet only one service is not counted against the data cap — the one provided by Comcast.
“This is nothing less than a wake-up call to the Commission to show it is serious about protecting the Open Internet. It also shows, once again, that the Commission should take the first steps toward understanding data caps.”
Public Knowledge Sees Net Neutrality Issue with Comcast ProductPublic Knowledge Sees Net Neutrality Issue with Comcast ProductPublic Knowledge Sees Net Neutrality Issue with Comcast Product
Press Release