Public Knowledge Statement on Cablevision Encryption Waiver
Public Knowledge Statement on Cablevision Encryption Waiver
Public Knowledge Statement on Cablevision Encryption Waiver

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    Background: Today, the FCC Media Bureau issued an order allowing Cablevision to encrypt its basic video service. Public Knowledge had filed comments in the waiver expressing our concerns. The order is here.

    The following statement is attributed to Harold Feld, Public Knowledge legal director:

    “The unique facts presented in this case by Cablevision justified granting a waiver for encryption of basic cable service. We are also pleased that the Media Bureau will monitor Cablevision’s commitment to provide free set-top boxes.

    “At the same time, we are still concerned that the Commission is proceeding on a case-by-case basis on a variety of set top box issues. Cablevision’s conversion to all-digital service is part of a broader cable digital transition that has been recognized as part of the Commission’s National Broadband Plan. It would be much better for the Commission to take a comprehensive look at all set-top box issues as part of one rulemaking, as we have suggested.”