Public Knowledge Statement on Defeat of Markey Net Neutrality Amendment
Public Knowledge Statement on Defeat of Markey Net Neutrality Amendment
Public Knowledge Statement on Defeat of Markey Net Neutrality Amendment

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    The House Telecom Subcommittee today defeated an amendment to draft legislation that would have created an enforceable Net Neutrality policy. Here is the statement from Public Knowledge President Gigi B. Sohn:

    “The Subcommittee missed an opportunity to maintain the free and open Internet that we have come to value over the years. The amendment by Reps. Markey, Boucher, Eshoo and Inslee would have set fair and reasonable boundaries on the conduct of telephone and cable companies which now will have control over the Internet, while guaranteeing the rights of consumers. We hope the full Commerce Committee will revisit the issue after the Easter recess.”