Public Knowledge Statement on Google Book Search Decision
Public Knowledge Statement on Google Book Search Decision
Public Knowledge Statement on Google Book Search Decision

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    Earlier today, U.S. Dist. Judge Denny Chin in New York City rejected a proposed settlement of a lawsuit brought by the Authors Guild to resolve copyright infringement claims against Google.  The decision is here.

    Public Knowledge had filed a brief opposing the proposed settlement.  It is here.

    The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

    “We are pleased that Judge Chin has rejected this settlement, even though we agree with him that there are benefits to Google’s book project.  We were also pleased that the judge agreed with us in the specific issue of orphan works, as he ruled: ‘Google’s ability to deny competitors the ability to search orphan books would further entrench Google’s market power in the online search market.’

    “We look forward to continued discussion to work out a settlement agreeable to all along the lines Judge Chin recommended.”