Public Knowledge Statement on Google Network Announcement
Public Knowledge Statement on Google Network Announcement
Public Knowledge Statement on Google Network Announcement

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    This morning, Google announced it would build a series of one gigabit-per-second networks in communities around the country. The announcement is here.

    The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

    “We congratulate Google on its decision to construct this series of high-speed networks around the country. This project is the kind of forward thinking and investment from the private sector that could jump-start Internet technology while helping our economy and giving consumers the experience of a true next-generation network.

    “Google is to be commended on announcing up front that the network will be open to other service providers and will be operated on a neutral, non-discriminatory basis — as all networks should be. We hope that all sectors of the telecommunications industry will work together to make the project a success, and that lessons learned on deployment, construction techniques applications will be widely shared. ”