Public Knowledge Statement on House Commerce Committee Action
Public Knowledge Statement on House Commerce Committee Action
Public Knowledge Statement on House Commerce Committee Action

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    For Immediate Release

    Background: Today, the House Commerce Committee declined to consider an amendment to digital television legislation that would authorize the FCC to institute a broadcast flag regime. The following is the statement of Public Knowledge President Gigi B. Sohn:

    “Public Knowledge is pleased that the House Commerce Committee did not take up broadcast content controls in the course of its consideration of digital TV (DTV) budget legislation. We appreciate Chairman Barton's leadership and his recognition of the very complex nature involved in imposing technological mandates not only on broadcast digital television but also on digital radio.

    The Committee should have an in-depth examination of these issues as part of its regular order, and we look forward to those discussions. Public Knowledge believes it would be a mistake to have the government impose restrictions that would hamper technological development and restrict the rights of consumers. Imposing broadcast content controls would doing nothing to affect the transition to DTV and would do great harm the emerging business of satellite radio.

    We hope that the Senate as well will leave discussion of broadcast content controls to the Commerce Committee and not attempt to raise the issues as part of a budgetary debate.”

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