The following is attributed to John
Bergmayer, senior staff attorney with Public Knowledge:
“We are pleased that the new
report from the Administration’s
Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator demonstrates a commitment to
transparency in policymaking for intellectual property.
“Public Knowledge has consistently
maintained that trade negotiations in particular, such as the current
Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, need more participation from the public in
their formulation.
“We are also pleased that the
Coordinator confirmed the Administration’s opposition to legislation ‘that
reduces freedom of expression, increases cybersecurity risk (including
authority to tamper with the DNS system), or undermines the dynamic, innovative
global Internet.’
“At the same time, the report clearly
shows that the content industries have a vast array of tools already at their
disposal to enforce their rights, while the listing of enforcement cases also
clearly shows the industries and the government have a world-wide reach when
action is needed in any country in the world.
“We remain extremely wary, however, of
the reliance the report places on information regarding copyright industries as
a source of information regarding infringement. Particularly in cases involving fair use, rights holders
have not shown themselves to be reliable judges of infringement.”