Public Knowledge Statement on Time Warner Halt to Broadband Caps
Public Knowledge Statement on Time Warner Halt to Broadband Caps
Public Knowledge Statement on Time Warner Halt to Broadband Caps

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    The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

    “Time Warner should be commended for stopping its ill-considered and discriminatory plan to impose unfair usage caps on its customers. The company properly listened to its subscribers, the public and policymakers, all of whom were highly critical of the proposition in the first place.

    “It quickly became clear the plan had nothing to do with managing Time Warner’s network, and everything to do with increasing profits at the expense of captive customers in an uncompetitive broadband market.

    “Going forward, we hope Time Warner and policymakers will work to expand the choices for consumers, not to limit them.”

    The Time Warner statement is here.