Today, the Federal Communications Commission voted to empower local communities to develop their own high-speed broadband access service. Public Knowledge commends the FCC for valuing the people’s right to connect and communicate when Internet Service Providers refuse to offer competitive broadband in their areas.
The following may be attributed to Chris Lewis, Vice President of Government Affairs at Public Knowledge:
“We applaud this decision by the FCC and congratulate Chattanooga and Wilson citizens on their victory. When an incumbent provider cannot or will not provide high-speed broadband, many local communities have no choice but to do it themselves. Today's decision by the FCC affirms the right of every community, no matter how small, to make these decisions for themselves and ensure that they are not left out of the 21st century marketplace.
“Local communities should be able to decide what broadband economic development projects they start without state laws crafted by cable lobbyists blocking their way. Local taxpayers are savvy enough to make these tough choices and assume the risk of the investment of their own tax dollars.”