Yesterday afternoon, Public Knowledge filed an amicus curiae brief in the Supreme Court case Cuozzo Speed Technologies v. Lee. The case concerns the method of interpreting patents during inter partes review, a Patent Office administrative review proceeding for determining the validity of patents. Public Knowledge’s brief supports the position of the United States, which provides for broad interpretation of patents during that proceeding.
The following statement may be attributed to Charles Duan, Director of the Patent Reform Project at Public Knowledge:
“Low-quality patents plague the innovation economy, draining resources and stifling new ideas from coming to market. The inter partes review procedure that Congress created in the America Invents Act was designed to directly target this problem, by offering a fast, low-cost way to invalidate these low-quality patents that never should have issued in the first place.
“Although the technical questions of law in this case are complex, the message is clear: certain patent owners like Cuozzo Speed Technologies, the petitioner in this case, want to make inter partes reviews less efficient, less economical, and less effective at overcoming the patent quality crisis. Our brief highlights the roadblocks these patent owners seek to introduce into the process, the games that they play within it, and the unnecessary burdens they hope to saddle upon industry and the public.
“We will continue observing this case as it moves on, and look forward to working with policymakers on continuing to strengthen efforts to improve patent quality.”
You may view this brief here.