Public Knowledge to Host Briefing on Impact of Technology Transitions on Rural Communities
Public Knowledge to Host Briefing on Impact of Technology Transitions on Rural Communities
Public Knowledge to Host Briefing on Impact of Technology Transitions on Rural Communities

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    Public Knowledge will host a briefing on the Impact of Technology Transitions on Rural Communities at the Rayburn House Office Building Tuesday, May 12 at 2 p.m. This joint briefing is also sponsored by the Center for Rural Strategies and the National Rural Assembly’s Rural Broadband Policy Group.

    Panelists and topics include:

    • Service Availability: Mimi Pickering, Director of the Community Media Initiative, Appalshop (Whitesburg, Kentucky)
    • Network Resiliency (911): Randy McDonald, Public Safety Liaison and 2nd Assistant Fire Chief, Broadband Alliance of Mendocino County (Comptche, California)
    • Rural Call Completion: Regina Costa, Telecommunications Director, TURN – The Utility Reform Network (Salinas, California)
    • Consumer Education: Whitney Kimball-Coe, Coordinator, National Rural Assembly (Athens, Tennessee)
    • Affordable Broadband: Sharell Harmon, Member of the National Council of Young Leaders, YouthBuild (Elkins, West Virginia)

    Please contact Shiva Stella if you’re interested in speaking with a panelist. You may read our blog for more details or view full event information and RSVP. You can also join the conversation on Twitter using #TechTransitions and #Rural.