Tomorrow, Harold Feld, Senior Vice President at Public Knowledge, will testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, part of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. The hearing is titled “The Anti-Spoofing Act, The LPTV and TV Translator Act, and the E-LABEL Act.”
The following can be attributed to Harold Feld, Senior Vice President at Public Knowledge:
“I am pleased to see this Subcommittee take up both the Anti-Spoofing Act and the E-LABEL Act. The Anti-Spoofing Act closes a loophole in existing law that has allowed scammers to prey on consumers by providing deceptive caller ID information for calls made outside the United States, and clarifies the extension of the law to texting and texting services that use phone numbers. Public Knowledge supports this pro-consumer legislation and urges swift passage.
“Similarly, Public Knowledge supports the E-LABELING Act. This update to the Communications Act will continue to provide needed information so that purchasers of FCC devices can be assured that these devices comply with necessary regulations, while reducing manufacturing costs.
“However, Public Knowledge cannot support the LPTV and TV Translator Act of 2014. Public Knowledge generally agrees with the sentiments expressed in the bill that LPTV and TV translators provide valuable service to their local community. However, because of the delay and potential confusion that any new legislation would engender, we recommend that Congress take no further action on the Incentive Auction at this time.”
Others to testify are as follows:
The Honorable Bob Latta
U.S. House of Representatives
The Honorable Grace Meng
U.S. House of Representatives
Mr. Louis Libin
Executive Vice President
Advanced Television Broadcast Alliance
Read more and watch a live stream of the testimony here
A copy of the written testimony can be found here.