Public Knowledge Urges Congress To Pass American Innovation and Choice Online Act After Historic Bipartisan Vote

Congress marks up American Innovation and Choice Online Act with historic bipartisan vote to rein in Big Tech.

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee marked up the “American Innovation and Choice Online Act,” a bill introduced by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), with a 16-6 landslide bipartisan vote.

The bill would prevent Big Tech from discriminating against competitors on their platforms including by barring them from preferencing their own products and services over a competitor’s better offering. It would also prohibit dominant digital platforms from limiting platform access for potential competitors or stealing and copying a business user’s data and products. Public Knowledge urges Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to expeditiously bring this bill for a full vote on the Senate and House floors.

The following can be attributed to Charlotte Slaiman, Competition Policy Director at Public Knowledge:

“Today’s bipartisan vote marks a huge win for consumers and those hoping for a better internet. The Senators of the Judiciary Committee, led by Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA), should be commended for their thoughtful leadership on this issue.

“We’ve seen the consequences of congressional inaction: Big Tech has used their power to surveil markets, quash potential competitors, and pad their bottom lines. The American Innovation and Choice Online Act begins to chart a new course. Requiring dominant platforms to play fairly will enable disruptive competitors to go head-to-head with incumbents — to the benefit of consumers.

“It’s obvious that greater scrutiny of Big Tech enjoys not only robust bipartisan support in Congress, but also broader support from the public. Now is the time for Congress to act. We cannot let this moment to rein in Big Tech pass us by.”

You may view our article, “We Can Have a Better Internet If We Allow Competition to Flourish,” for more information on how this bill can help create a better internet.