Public Knowledge Urges New FCC Chairman to Embrace Competition, Consumer Protection
Public Knowledge Urges New FCC Chairman to Embrace Competition, Consumer Protection
Public Knowledge Urges New FCC Chairman to Embrace Competition, Consumer Protection

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    Today, Ajit Pai announced that President Trump has selected him to lead the Federal Communications Commission. Chairman Pai has a record of promising to undo the agency’s landmark 2015 net neutrality rules as well as targeting consumer privacy while refusing to stand against consolidation among telecommunications and media giants. Public Knowledge congratulates Commissioner Pai and urges him to preserve the Commission’s recent efforts to ensure an open internet, broadband privacy and any other critical consumer protections.

    The following can be attributed to Gene Kimmelman, President and CEO at Public Knowledge:

    “Commissioner Pai has a history of attacking consumer protections, from the Open Internet order to our right to privacy online. Even so, every Commissioner who has been elevated to Chairman discovers the job is very different from what he or she thought it would be. Most quickly discover that getting things done while running an agency sometimes requires a different set of skills as well as a willingness to compromise.

    “With this in mind, we urge Chairman Pai to preserve consumer protections and to focus on driving down prices and expanding choices for all essential communications services while preserving the Commission’s recent pro-competitive and consumer protection rules and actions.”

    Members of the media may contact Communications Director Shiva Stella with inquiries, interview requests, or to join the Public Knowledge press list at or 405-249-9435.