The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:
“We are pleased that consumers in the New York City area and in Philadelphia will be able to watch programming on the Fox channels, including the World Series and entertainment shows.
“However, we worry that the lack of action and involvement from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does not portend well for consumers. Knowing that there was no pressure on the broadcaster to lower its demands, Cablevision conceded defeat, while claiming that they are paying too much for programming.
“The FCC's duty is to safeguard the public interest, and the agency's lack of involvement in this dispute is disappointing. There will be more of these disagreements, and consumers will again be hurt in the process. That's why we and many others asked the FCC in March to reexamine the process which led to this stalemate, and which will lead to others. The Commission took comments but has not moved forward. Now is the time to do so.”