This morning, diverse industries across the spectrum of American business have joined forces to support patent reform by launching United for Patent Reform. This new coalition seeks to “take back a patent system held hostage by patent trolls [to] return it to its original purpose: fostering innovation and investment that benefits the entire American economy.” Members span multiple sectors, including technology, retail, restaurant and realty.
The announcement comes as the 114th Congress prepares to take up patent reform as a top issue in both the House and Senate.
The following may be attributed to Charles Duan, Director of Public Knowledge's Patent Reform Project:
“Public Knowledge applauds this new effort to support strong, meaningful patent reform. The diversity of members of United for Patent Reform proves what we already knew: that patent reform is important for everyone who uses technology, from Silicon Valley companies to Main Street businesses to individual consumers.
“Individual consumers, just like small businesses, lack the resources and expertise to defend themselves against abusive patent assertion. Thus, we are pleased to see UPR taking a strong position on consumer-centric patent reforms such as preventing abusive demand letters and protecting customers of off-the-shelf technologies.
“As legislation moves forward on patent reform, we look forward to working with members of Congress, UPR, and other stakeholders to craft solutions that protect American consumers and industry from abuse of the patent system.”
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