The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:
“This latest in a string of big-money front groups is nothing more than the most concentrated attack on the free and open Internet we have seen to date. Combining the power and influence of AT&T and the entertainment industry means only that both are going to wage an all-out war for the right to filter every bit of data anyone sends across the Internet. We are pleased to see that Verizon continues to resist the incessant and misguided pressure from the entertainment industry.
“Their goal will be nothing less than to give the telephone and cable companies the legal right to act as police inspectors on behalf of Hollywood in searching through what should be the private Internet traffic of consumers across the country and around the world.
“We certainly do not condone online theft of copyrighted materials. At the same time, we similarly do not favor the unwarranted intrusion into the Internet that this group promises for the future.”