Verizon has filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission to gain access to programming provided by Cablevision and its Rainbow Media Holdings subsidiary.
From its press release:
“We are troubled by Cablevision/Rainbow's anti-competitive behavior and refusal to negotiate carriage agreements for their sports programming,” said Terry Denson, Verizon vice president – FiOS TV content strategy & acquisition.
The FCC has this governmental complaint process to specifically address the questions of anti-competitive behavior, and Verizon is using the process to address a problem that they are having under program access.
Sure it's regulation–but it's regulation to maintain an open and competitive market, and for Verizon, in that context, it's all fine and good.
But when businesses and consumers ask the government to address their concerns about likely anti-competitive behavior in the broadband market and about net neutrality, Verizon is against it.
I think Gigi said it best:
Verizon's complaint demonstrates that a properly tailored government rule (whether program access or net neutrality) can promote competition and restrain the abuse of market power.