Public Knowledge's IP3 awards are a special occasion to honor those who have made significant contributions in the three areas of “IP”—intellectual property, information policy, and Internet protocol.
This year will be the twelfth year Public Knowledge has held the awards, and now it's time for you to submit nominations. They can be for a career's worth of work, or for a more recent accomplishment. It's up to you.
Winners in 2014 were: Senator Jay Rockefeller, Representative Henry Waxman, Malkia Cyril, Center for Media Justice, Tim Berners-Lee, World Wide Web Consortium, Julie Samuels, Engine
Recipients from past years include: Rep. Anna Eshoo; Senator Ron Wyden; Rep. Zoe Lofgren; Ben Scott (with Free Press at the time); Fred von Lohmann (with the Electronic Frontier Foundation at the time); members of the band OK Go!; and Columbia Law School professor Tim Wu.
Here’s how it works:
- Send in your nomination to this email address:
- Give us the name of your nominee and a short explanation for why you think your nominee should win.
- We’ll pass along that information to a panel of judges who will narrow down the list of nominees to three winners.
This year’s judges include:
- Susan Crawford, John A. Reilly Visiting Professor in Intellectual Property at the Harvard Law School (2014) and a co-director of the Berkman Center
- Michael Petricone, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, Consumer Electronics Association
- Julie Samuels, Executive Director and Board President, Engine
Please make your nominations by April 27. This year’s winners will be recognized at the 12th Annual IP3 Awards on September 24, 2015.
Image credit: RMN Photography