Today is the day to tell Congress to support Net Neutrality.
At the beginning of this month, we warned you that Congress was making moves to repeal the FCC’s net neutrality rules, thereby threatening the open nature of the Internet. Members made known their intentions to scrap the FCC’s rules at a hearing yesterday that GigaOm’s Stacey Higginbotham said, “made a mockery of all my efforts to understand what is a deeply complicated series of issues.”
It’s time to show Congress what happens when you mock the open Internet. Today, the Internet strikes back: click here to call your Member of Congress. If you’ve already signed up for PK Mobile Action Alerts, simply respond to the action alert that you will receive via text message and you will be automatically connected to your Member of Congress.
The open Internet is far too important to leave at the mercy of big telephone and cable companies. Help us Internet, you’re our only hope.