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Two years ago, we committed to a #FightForFairness amid the new administration. Here are just the few of the ways we’ve worked to keep our promise:
- We led the launch of the Broadband Connects America coalition, which is working to close the rural digital divide and help the 31 percent of rural Americans who lack access to broadband internet.
- We pushed back on anticompetitive telecom mergers that increase costs and hurt consumers, including Sprint/T-Mobile and AT&T/Time Warner, and prepared for the antitrust challenges ahead.
- We called for communications reliability in natural disasters with the FCC and in court.
- We advocated for data protection solutions in response to major scandals of unauthorized access to personal data.
- We are leading the fight in Washington to restore net neutrality, from challenging the repeal of net neutrality in court, to serving as an informational resource and mythbuster on legislation, to leading a Net Neutrality Advocacy Day that gave constituents an opportunity to share their stories with Congress.
- We launched new frameworks for emerging issues like cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, and started a series on platform competition and the future of journalism to tackle some of the most challenging policy questions in our field.
- We worked with Congress to create, for the first time, a sustainable public domain for sound recordings.
In 2019 and beyond, we have new and continuing challenges before us, and we need your help. This Giving Tuesday, please consider supporting our upcoming battles. We cannot win the #FightForFairness without you.
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