If you're not listening to or watching podcasts, get your head out of the sand and embrace the 21st century! If you're just starting out, and you're an active reader of the PK policy blog, a good podcast to start would be This Week in Media [subscribe here]. It's made by the good folks over at the Pixel Corps, and on TWiM they discuss the newly-available-to-consumer tools that are spurring professional-grade user generated content, and the business models and policy surrounding that new media creation.
This week's TWiM, episode 45 introduced guest Colette Vogele, an IP lawyer who has focussed a lot of her time helping creators navigate the sometimes unfriendly waters of copyright law and podcasting. She started the Rules for the Revolution: The Podcast [subscribe here via iTunes] where she talks with experts on such tech-issues from the Communications Decency Act to podcast music licensing.
I haven't heard RFTR yet as my iTunes client is currently sucking down the episodes, but if Colette's way of breaking down complex issues from this week's TWiM is any indication, I'm in for a treat.