Having completed the first of many readings of the FCC's National Broadband Plan, I have prepared a relatively short summary of the document. It is available at my web site.
In a nutshell, I see much to like about the Plan, but doubt whether many of the “should” language will get done. More broadly, the Plan does not provide much insight on what the authors think the Commission can do, on its own accord, versus the need for new statutory authorization.
I also wonder just how much coordination one can expect between the Executive Branch and the FCC on such matters as spectrum reallocation and “refarming.” Will Executive Branch agencies turn over a new leaf and aspire to greater spectrum efficiency, even if it requires expensive new digital signal processing radios? Can the FCC unilaterally reinterpret existing service definitions to reclassify Internet access as a telecommunications service? Can the FCC reform the universal service mission without consulting the Federal-State Joint Board and possibly having Congress revisit Sec. 254 of the 1996 Act?
On second and third readings I will have more insights to share.