Video Interview: Kevin Donovan Explains OpenCourseWare
Video Interview: Kevin Donovan Explains OpenCourseWare
Video Interview: Kevin Donovan Explains OpenCourseWare

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    Kevin Donovan is an undergraduate student at Georgetown University, where he founded the Georgetown chapter of Students for Free Culture. In between studying for classes, writing for TechDirt and Twittering prolifically, Donovan somehow finds the time to stump for OpenCourseWare (OCW)–a burgeoning movement of students, educators and technologists who believe that university course materials should be made available freely and openly on the Internet. In this interview, Donovan explains the benefits of OpenCourseWare, discusses the history of the movement and describes the challenges that OCW faces. For more information on OpenCourseWare, check out and the OpenCourseWare Consortium.