Welcome to PK's new online presence. We decided that the time had come to make our website work more like a blog and less like a library. Every two weeks or so we will have a different guest blogger from our three worlds of IP – intellectual property, internet protocol and information policy. Folks like Jonathan Taplin, Tim Wu, Steve Weber, Helen Nissenbaum, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Danny Weitzner and Denise Caruso have already signed up. They'll be giving you the outside-the-beltway perspective while we keep you apprised of what is going on in the policy world here in DC. Net neutrality, the WIPO broadcast treaty, tech mandates and orphan works are all very hot right now, and the PK staff will keep you apprised of these and other issues that affect our ability to obtain and share knowledge. I'll be the featured blogger this week — I look forward to your comments.
Press Release