Anyone who provides content over the Internet (without owning the pipes) should care about net neutrality. Regardless of whether you're Big Content or a podcaster, you need to have open pipes so that consumers can get to your content, and you can promote to your customers.
During a discussion panel[MP3 from CEA's podcast of the event] at last week's Entertainment and Technology Policy Conference, Preston Padden, Executive Vice President Government Relations, The Walt Disney Company, said that Disney was not for net neutrality.
What gives? Well, from this Broadcast and Cable article, it appears that Disney is negotiating with one of the Internet gatekeepers–Comcast–on a number of licensing issues.
One can understand, politically, why Disney would want to be neutral on the open Internet issue, but when new business models like online delivery of popular shows like Lost, Desperate Housewives, and ESPN content is booming, why be against what allows you that method of distribution?