Net neutrality is the principle that the company that connects you to the internet does not get to control what you do on the internet

The fight for strong net neutrality rules has been ongoing for decades. In 2014, there was a light at the end of the tunnel; Tom Wheeler, then-Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, introduced net neutrality rules that received a record-breaking 4 million comments calling for reclassifying broadband as a Title II telecommunications service. After this unprecedented outpouring of public support, the FCC voted to pass the Open Internet Order, enacting the strongest net neutrality rules in history.

Despite multiple courts upholding this decision amid continuing public outcry, the 2017 FCC removed these open internet protections. Public interest groups continue to call on Congress and the FCC to put these protections back in place in order to ensure internet users can access all content equally.

Currently there are: 

  • NO rules preventing blocking of website, services, or content online
  • NO rules preventing throttling or slowing down of website or services online
  • NO rules preventing paid prioritization where broadband providers give preferential treatment to some websites and services over others

Public Knowledge works to support an internet that puts users back in control. We are fighting for Title II classification of internet access service, which is the only way to have strong net neutrality rules that allow customers to have a reasonable expectation of consistent, reliable, and nondiscriminatory services. You can tell Congress to make sure this happens at

View our resource page to support net neutrality by treating all internet traffic equally.